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10:03 p.m. - Friday, Jan. 16, 2004
A hot bowl of chili and a warm bed.
Modesto's first emergency winter shelter is now open.

It's about time.

After years of pleading with the city and months of planning, Modesto's emergency winter shelter opened its doors for the first time tonight. Chris and I had the pleasure of serving a good, hot meal to the 36 guests staying there. There are currently 50 beds, and word will definately spread quickly. The goal is to have 100 beds within a month.

It was a truly beautiful thing. People were so appreciative and kind. They were just so happy to have a place to sleep tonight that was warm, and happy to be safe from police harrasment or ticketing.

It's hard to imagine what supposed "concerned citizens" are afraid of. The guests staying at this facility are the kindest people you would ever want to meet.

One gentleman in particular stands out to me. I overheard him speaking to another guy about how blessed by God he feels. He was so happy and thankful. The fact that he's homeless has no bearing on whether God is faithful and loves him. I guess God told him how much he loved him with a hot bowl of chili and a warm bed.

I guess He told me the very same thing.


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