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11:08 p.m. - Monday, Mar. 29, 2004
The Wisdom of an Uncle.
First off, I must apologize for the sardonically melodramatic entry last night. I guess I just wanted to give voice to those little thoughts that come into my head that I try not to listen to.

I was getting ready to work on a good response to last night's entry when I received an email from my uncle. I liked it so much, I bought the company. Here it is.

Why should Abraham have departed out of the land of Haran?

Why should Noah have collected material and creatures to build and fill an ark?

Why should Moses have turned aside to investigate a burning bush?

Why should Moses have thrown down a rod?

Why should Jacob have engaged in combat with a stranger by a river?

Why should Joshua have stepped into a raging river?

Why should Joshua have marched around a fortified city?

Why should David have stripped and danced?

Why should Gideon have reduced his army to three hundred?

Why should Samson have married a "Gentile"?

Why should Hosea have married Gomer?

Why should Jesus have been baptised of John?

Why should Jesus have gone into the wilderness?

Why should Peter have stepped out of a boat in the middle of a lake?

Why should Joseph have gone to Bethlehem?

Why should the woman have "wasted" the ointment on Jesus' feet?

Why should Paul have appealed to Caesar?

Why should any disciple have given a stranger a drink of water?

Friend, when life gets really difficult, don't jump to the conclusion that God isn't on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is the spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner. 1 Peter 4:12, The Message

(Actually you should read all of 1 Peter. I was trying to select a verse but couldn't leave any out.)

Hebrews 11:



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